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Ms Zeynep Celik Turan
Lecturer (Education) in Occupational Therapy

Mary Seacole


Zeynep has started his academic life right after her graduation on 2015. Since then she actively took part in lectures and researches in occupational therapy department as well as in multidisciplinary research groups. 

In addition to contributing in many different books written both in Turkish and English, she took a place as a contributing editor in two books published in the field of occupational therapy in psychiatric and psychosocial rehabilitation.Currently she is working as lecturer and take role in placements and admissions teams of Occupational Therapy Division.


PhD (2019-Present)

Occupational Therapy Program in Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey

Thesis Title: Perceptions of caregivers with Turkish background towards the impact of environmental factors on participation: The Case of Turkey and Belgium

MSc (2016-2019)

Occupational Therapy Program in Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey

Thesis Title: The Impact of Cognitive Rehabilitation on Functional Vision of Children with Low Vision with Cortical Vision Loss, Hacettepe University, Graduate School of Health Sciences Occupational Therapy Program

BSc (2011-2015)

Occupational Therapy Program in Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey

Final Year Project: The Relation Among Self-Esteem Caping Skills and Occupational Performance in Battered Women